Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Richard's paragraph

Our mini tour de france is proceeding at great pace. The girls (middle aged women actually) are getting fitter. Jill passed  the 70 km mark still smiling yesterday. This might have something to do with the free wine at lunch which had her sloshing wine or water indiscriminately into her glass. Celia on the other hand slowly works her way to the front when there are 3km to go and sets such a pace that large gaps open up in the  peloton.  I think Rob must be itching to also come to the front and show what he can do but is still playing the good husband .Jill leaves us soon and then I am going to be in trouble. Luckily we are heading into the mountains and since Celia has no cartilage in her right knee she can't climb. It is no disgrace to be left behind by someone with international sportsmen in their family.
A final word on the pile up on the canal. This is not the first time that Jill has attacked children in Europe. In Lech she set off down the tobbogan run with loud cries of achtung in pursuit of 2 small boys who fled screaming in panic but they had no chance and were scooped up in an avalanche of tobogans  and deposited at the feet of their flabbergasted parents.

1 comment:

  1. richard they way you describe mum's tendancy to attack children made me laugh. haha
