Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We have only had 2 nights in Nice which has been very short. We left Vence after breakfast and very soon found ourselves on the outskirts of Nice but then things got more difficult. All roads seemed to lead to the airport so that is where we went and found we could just drop our car off there. We had plans of catching a taxi to our hotel but it turned out we were too snoep and opted for the cheaper alternative of bus. It was wonderfully easy as it just drove straight along the Promenade and we jumped off about 2 or 3 hundred metres from the Nice Garden Hotel which has been perfect. We have all been surprised to really like Nice. We went down to the beach and Rob and I went for a swim which was an amazing ordeal. The pebbly beach made getting into the water enormously uncomfortable. But then getting out - I just got the giggles as I had to climb out on all fours up this steep bank and then I got Dinny to throw me some shoes and I collapsed at the top of the bank exhausted. So no more swims although beautiful warm weather. We did a bit of shopping and wandering around the old city and the inevitable eating and drinking, all of which was great.
Tomorrow Dinny sets off at 5am and then the rest of us at more civilised hours.
Nice beach in evening

On promenade

On promenade facing other way

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